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Image by Kyle Smith



¡Bienvenido a GMTS!


¿Es usted un pastor, un trabajador de la iglesia o un miembro bautizado de una congregación que anhela alcanzar a las personas perdidas con el mensaje salvador de Jesús? El hecho de que las personas que conoces que no conocen a Jesús perecerán a menos que lleguen a conocer a Jesús como su Señor y Salvador, ¿te rompe el corazón? ¿Te mantiene despierto por la noche que más de 4 mil millones de personas en este planeta enfrentarán una eternidad separada de Dios en tormento eterno a menos que los alcancemos con el evangelio?


Cada creyente está llamado a caminar con Jesús como su discípulo comprometido y responder a su llamado a hacer discípulos y multiplicar la iglesia de Cristo donde sea que Dios lo haya colocado. Para ese fin, Glocal Mission quiere ayudarte.

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New Training Begins
January 28 to April 8, 2025!

The journey of discipleship is not always easy. It begins with a burst of passion, but as we continue, we often face barriers that feel insurmountable—barriers that challenge our faith, disrupt our progress, and leave us wondering if we're truly equipped for the mission Jesus has called us to. Whether it's spiritual strongholds, relational wounds, or personal fears, every disciple-maker encounters obstacles that test their commitment to making disciples who make disciples.

This training is for everyone—especially if you've ever:

  • Struggled with doubt, wondering if you have what it takes to disciple others.

  • Faced strongholds like fear, addiction, or habits that hold back growth.

  • Dealt with relational pain like unforgiveness, anger, or brokenness that hinders the work of God.

  • Sensed spiritual forces opposing your efforts, leaving you feeling stuck and discouraged.

If this resonates with you, then join us for a transformative experience. Our upcoming training is packed with practical, biblical strategies to break through these barriers. Together, we will dive deep into how God equips us, even in our weaknesses, to step out in faith and continue the journey He has prepared for us.

Important details are below...

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Overcoming Barriers to the Great Commission


January 28 to April 8, 2025


Training occurs live on Tuesdays from 8-10 pm (Central Time Zone).


NOTE:  If you live in a different time zone, you will need to make sure you connect at the correct time.  (For example:  9-11 pm (Eastern Time); 6-8 pm (Pacific Time, etc.).  If you connect from Asia or other countries, the day may be different for you also.


Training will be conducted through online Zoom Meetings and/or regional site gatherings.  Students and/or regional site hosts will need a solid internet connection and a device with audio and video capabilities.


Materials and communications will be sent by email prior to training sessions.  Students or regional hosts can print materials ahead of time.


Students will be expected to lead and/or participate in local outreach and community events.  They will be expected to put their training into immediate practice in their local ministry area.


The cost of the 10-week training is $200 per person payable to “Glocal Mission”.  Instructions on how to donate will be given during the registration process.


A short-term, hands-on, cross-cultural mission trip is scheduled toward the end of the training.  Missionaries from many cultures may participate.  Attention will be given to existing travel protocols and restrictions.  

We realize that not all students may be able to travel, however, we strongly encourage every student to participate and overcome any challenges that would prevent them from attending such as cost, travel visas, work schedules, etc.  

The mission trip training is truly a transformative experience.

LOCATION & DATES                            TBD

The cost of the short-term mission trip is normally $700 per person plus travel expenses.

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How do I register?

For those who are interested in being trained, it is super easy to register.  Click the “Register Here” link below and fill out your contact information.  Or scan the QR code below.  We will connect with you and provide all that is needed for the learning experience.  


If you have questions about anything, please call or email us:

(713) 494-3127 or  

Four Basic Training Components and a Leadership Module



Holistic Discipleship and Transformation



This 10-week component trains people to begin the journey with Jesus discovering how they may become a disciple of Jesus. Starting with spiritual brokenness and seven other qualities of a follower of Jesus, students will discover what it means to follow Jesus holistically, relationally, committedly, and missionally.  They will learn kingdom dynamics and how to fight victoriously in the spiritual battle that is waged against believers.  They will learn how to be a disciple in their home, in their church, at their workplace and school, and in the world.  They will understand the growth dynamics that move them from infancy to maturity, and why churches need to intentionally move from a Great Omission mode to the Great Commission mode.

Come, follow me and I will make you fishers of men. (Matthew 4:19)


Disciple Making



This 10-week component trains everyday believers to actively disciple those who have come to faith.  Training is holistic; focusing on the head, heart, hands, and habits of those who follow Jesus.  Students will learn not only how to make disciples, but to make disciple makers who make disciples to the 3rd and 4th generation and beyond.  Students will learn the disciple multiplying Great Commission vision that Jesus gives his church as well as internal and external barriers to disciple making.  Students will learn to discern the stages of disciple making, learn elements of life-transformation, Jesus’ model for disciple making, and a proven strategy that works.  Attention will be given to resources, helpful tips and healthy habits that align with God’s Word.

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.  (Matthew 28:19)



Evangelism and Outreach



This 10-week component trains believers to actively share the good news of Jesus with whoever they encounter in everyday life, especially unbelievers.  Students will learn to share the message of Jesus and His love with others effectively.  Students will develop hands-on skills of discernment, sharing personal testimonies, praying for people in the community, listening and dialoguing compassionately, sharing the way of salvation, and using various methods to engage with their community cross-culturally, cross-generationally, with the love of Jesus.

Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. (Mark 16:15)


Overcoming Barriers


This 10-week component trains believers on how to overcome barriers, strongholds, and impediments to the Great Commission tasks.  Many disciples who try to make disciples can become discouraged or stuck, especially those who are discipling 3rd or 4th generations (2 Timothy 2:2).  They run up against barriers and strongholds such as unforgiveness, anger, fear, shame, distractions, addictive behaviors, and spiritual oppression.  Discover how to overcome these barriers and challenges through solid biblical teaching and Spirit-led breakthroughs so that ministry of the Gospel may go forth unhindered.

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh.  For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.  (2 Corinthians 10:3-5)


Catalyst Leader Module


This 10-week component trains believers to become catalyst leaders who multiply the mission by equipping, training, empowering, mobilizing, and reproducing disciples for the on-going Great Commission tasks.  Students are trained in leadership, teamwork, collaboration, partnership, networking, and how to develop and implement effective missional strategies in their local ministry contexts.

I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God. (Acts 20:24)

More GMTS Details

Local Outreach AND International Mission Trips


Each training component expects students to reach out into their local church, community, and neighborhood and begin putting into practice what they are learning.  It also expects them to participate in a global outreach, making it a truly GLOCAL (Local + Global) training and active missional engagement. 

The greatest learning comes to those who participate in the short-term international mission trip.  This life-changing experience leads students to get out of their comfort zone to reach people in another culture.  Students spend time with missionaries from various countries who team up with locals in indigenous areas.  Together they minister for the sake of the Gospel and reach out to children, youth, and adults cross-culturally.

GMTS Trainers

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Rev. Aaron Gehrke, Lead Pastor

Saints Peter and Paul, Houghton MI

Rev. Steve Nickodemus,

Lead Pastor Trinity, Hillsboro OR

Steve and Margaret.HEIC

Rev. Langdon Reinke, Assoc. Pastor of The Life Church, Sun Valley ID

Director of GMTS

Rev. Dr. David Kim,

Lead Pastor President of Glocal Mission


Rev. Matt Koenig, Discipleship Pastor

Prince of Peace, Palatine IL

Rev. Ron Pennenkamp, Pastor

St. Paul, Lakeland FL

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The 2-Year GMTS Sequence

The 2-Year Sequence is subject to change according to the
leading of God’s Spirit and the needs of students.

GMTS training encourages students to participate in each component related to Discipleship (Be One!), Multiplication (Make One!), Evangelism (Reach One!), and Missional Breakthroughs. This takes about 2 years for individual students to accomplish this missional goal and outcome, and to implement it in their local area.

Missional Breakthroughs training is an essential component that is very helpful for any believer at any time, but especially for those who are dealing with challenges in the disciple making process in the 3rd or 4th generational disciple making.


Catalyst Leader Training

For students who have completed the 2-year GMTS training, and who are actively discipling others, we recommend that they take the Catalyst Leader Training to equip, empower, and mobilize many others in God’s missional movement.  Catalyst Leader Training is for pastors and key ministry leaders who also are becoming a Glocal Mission movement leader in their area.


Monthly Cohorts

During the summer and winter time, we will take a break from training while students implement what they have learned. Monthly cohort meetings provide on-going opportunities for conversations with GMTS trainers and leaders who encourage and challenge students regarding real-time feedback, evaluation, metrics, progress, networking, and pastoral support as they implement Great Commission tasks in their local ministry contexts.

Students will not graduate GMTS until they bring at least one or more additional persons into the GMTS training track as an indication of the successful implementation and fruitfulness of their training with the help of the Lord.  

GMTS is unique in that we emphasize the fruitfulness of Great Commission outcomes, more than human markers such as certificates and head knowledge.

The Cost

The suggested donation for each GMTS 10-week training component is $200 per person.  The training donation may be paid online through Glocal Mission's online pay portal or by sending a check to Glocal Mission, PO Box 90877, Houston TX 77290.  Click on the "Donate" button for the online pay portal.  Designate your donation for “GMTS”.


The cost of each Short-Term Mission Trip is $700 per person plus travel expenses.  The mission trip fee covers lodging, food, and transportation within the country of the mission.  Students will be expected to cover their own cost of arriving to and from the mission site.  A small amount of money ($50-$200) may be brought for expenses such as drinks, snacks, and personal items during the mission trip.

It is expected that everyone will invest themselves financially in the training.  We have found that those who do so, gain the most out of the training.  


It is also expected that congregations who participate will invest a significant and regular financial support of Glocal Mission as an outward display of their commitment to the Great Commission.


Glocal Mission is not looking to profit from participants. We are wanting participants to take seriously the training investment holistically and effectively.  Groups may inquire about special group rates and scholarships.  


Donations may be paid online through the online portal (designate “GMTS” or “Short Term Mission Trip”) or by check.  If you have questions about billing, please call or email us: (713) 494-3127 or

Local and Regional Training is Available!

If your congregation or regional groups are interested in hosting an intensive training seminar in your area, please give us a call.  We would love to talk with you about customizing specialized training to fit your needs in evangelism, disciple making, and multiplication.

We would love to put on a 2 or 3-day weekend or week-day seminar in your location that can be followed up with coaching or mentoring with your leaders.

 Please call or email us: (713) 494-3127 or


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Glocal Mission es una organización sin fines de lucro 501 (c) (3) y todas las donaciones son deducibles de impuestos.

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12510 Donna Drive
Houston, TX 77067


PO BOX 90877



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