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Writer's pictureDavid Kim

5 Marks of a Glocal Mission Christian

The Christian’s call to reach a lost world is deeply rooted in the heart of God. Throughout the pages of Scripture, the beautiful narrative of God’s pursuit of relationship with His creation unfolds before us. One such example is found in Exodus 2:23-25.

The Christian’s call to reach a lost world is deeply rooted in the heart of God. Throughout the pages of Scripture, the beautiful narrative of God’s pursuit of relationship with His creation unfolds before us. One such example is found in Exodus 2:23-25.

“Their cry for rescue from slavery came up to God. 24 And God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. 25 God sawthe people of Israel—and God knew.”

God’s ear is never deaf to the cry of the broken, hurting and lost. He heard their groaning. He remembered his covenant. He saw the people. He knew. His love for our world is breathtaking and it has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5).

We must remind ourselves that the same gospel that so mercifully saves us from sin and death, also saves us for relationship with God and the ministry of reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:18). You and I have the incredible privilege today to be his ambassadors to the world that he loves so much and to implore them, on his behalf, to be reconciled to Hm!

Today 3.06 billion people in the world are unreached. These are people created by God, in his image, and for his glory. Nearly 70% of the world’s population lives in religiously restrictive countries. Here in the United States, church attendance in most of our major cities is now less than 40%.

We live in a time of unprecedented urgency and God is looking to mobilize Glocal MissionChristians all over the world. We can’t afford to be passive or disengaged Christians. We must all make a decision; will we fully embrace God’s call for his church or will we remain Sunday-Morning-Only-Christians?

We believe there are 5 distinct convictions that should be in the life of each and every Christian. We call these the 5 Marks of a Glocal Mission Christian.

  1. Serve Glocally

A “Glocal church” is a borderless church. It’s a church from everywhere to everywhere. It’s a church from all believers to all lost persons. We believe God’s missionary heart is borderless and that the biblical model of ministry is for each believer and ministry to intentionally seek the lost and disciple the found locally (in their Jerusalem and Judea) and globally and cross culturally (Samaria and uttermost parts of the world).  Acts 1:8; Revelations 5:9-10

  1. Disciple Like Jesus

All believers are called to be disciples and to make disciples. Biblical discipleship is characterized as:

  • Relational: It must be highly relational in nature and is most effective in groups of 3-12 people.

  • Holistic: It must include Head (theology and sound doctrine), Heart (passion and motivation), Hands (skill and competence), and Habits (character and lifestyle).

  • Transformational: It must lead to life change based upon God’s grace and gospel.

  • Transformissional: It must lead to a life of full commitment to the intentional and continuous task of the Great Commission glocally.

  1. Balance Evangelism and Discipleship

We receive the Gospel through evangelism and learn to live it out through discipleship. Evangelism without discipleship leaves new believers as orphans. Discipleship without evangelism causes us to turn inward and endangers us of losing sight of reaching the lost with intentionality. The Great Commission requires an equal commitment to both. (Lk. 19:10; Matt. 28:19-20; Acts 5:42)

  1. Seek Community Transformation

We will seek the Lordship of Jesus in our communities by pursuing the Three Missional Outcomes of doing:

  • Good – Make a difference

  • Better – Make relationships;

  • Best – Make disciples.

(Jer. 29:7; Acts 2:41-47; James 2:15-17)

  1. Multiply Disciple Makers

We prioritize our time, energy, and resources into making disciples that make disciples. We measure the true effectiveness of our lives and ministries by the multiplication of disciple makers.  (2 Tim. 2:2; Deut. 1:11)

You can click below and download the 5 Marks of a Glocal Mission Christian. We are praying for you and would love to walk with you in any way we can. If you are interested in joining a discipleship group or would like to learn more about Glocal Mission, please contact us.

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